Well, I missed posting yesterday: I have been considering the time-sucker aspects of the internet (and wireless internet, at that!) and yesterday was pretty deliberate about not letting myself browse for 45 minutes with no particular goal in mind. . . so after I finished doing some prep work I closed the laptop and didn't remember about a blog entry till I was in bed. So. I'll do two today, I guess.
Much percolating today--it's the busiest day of the week, and since it's the week before vacation, that feels big. Younger gets his braces on today; he and BH have taken the day to do it, then go to a movie and out to lunch. It helps to tie not-so-great milestones to fun ones, we think! In addition, tonight is the school committee meeting to decide how Ellsworth will deal with its continued school building project, and whether next year's 8th graders will be "penned" (my word) at the h.school again or whether they'll be able to enjoy the new construction for one year as part of the middle school. I am semi-proud of my community organizing skills as I wrote letters, made phone calls, and even followed up with reminder phone calls--but I am nervous about tonight and how to come across as concerned but balanced, passionate but not rabid. So. I've been practicing in the car a lot, and BH has said he'll come with me to the meeting. Still. It will be nice to get that over with!
And I guess school continues to be germ central, with numbers of kids out sick every day. Rumors fly, of course. So far I am taking my Airborne and watching for Friday. AND looking forward to some temperatures in the 30's!
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