Well--that's both a sigh of relief and an exclamation. March is always a super busy month at school, with various meetings that require changes in schedule and evening hours and such the like. As a result, I end up working full time for part time pay, which is really tough as I already put in far more time than "is required." Doing the job right--when the job is teaching high school English--just takes a lot of time. So. Unfortunately the next two weeks IN APRIL are also peppered with extensions of my hours: detention duty, two parent meetings, an advisor day. . . . so I need to speak to my ass't principal about it. We'll see how it goes. At least it will cut down on the "woe is me" bog of over-worked self pity I tumbled into about the end of March: I had a nasty, lingering, wipe out all energy cold as well, so that didn't help.
BUT: in March I did practice my banjo a LOT. Not every day, but I'd say 5 times/week. And I liked that a lot, and I have a plan, and I hope to keep practicing maybe at least three times/week? We'll see. I do love it when my fingers get calloused again!
And I finished Jesse's sweater, which he loves. LOVES. And that's great. And it's done. It's been weird not to have anything pressing on the needles, and therefore, tomorrow I plan to go buy yarn for the February lady sweater! I may regret this (especially since I want to make it in dk weight, not in worsted) but I've longed to do it for so long that I think I really should at this point of time. So. Off to make decisions and spend money: two things I am spectacularly bad at, especially when they are connected. Wish me luck! I might also buy 2.25 more yards of cotton, this time very light colored, to try another summer blouse. I am determined to get this right, and I feel like I'm getting close. Since it's due to rain all weekend, hard, and since Younger is off to Holton for show choir and Elder is probably lounging all weekend, it's a perfect activity. I need some pictures here soon. Maybe of my yarn!
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