Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8: How did THAT Happen?

I've been thinking about posts and posting, but somehow they never happened. Partly, my free time has been very limited, and I am very aware of how The Computer gobbles up one's time. I can't decide if I like the phrase "a timesuck" or not, but that last syllable, "suck", certainly captures in sloppy, glottal onomatopoeia the way a free hour ("I can knit! I can relax! I can read a chapter or two of my hedgehog book or the bio of Harper Lee or that wonderful novel I'm rereading!") can disappear ("Well, I updated my Facebook page and read about two reality tv stars I've never seen on a tv I would never watch."). So, I have been limiting my "screen time," as we call it 'round here.

But I want to share a few pics because they are LOVELY. And then I am going to head out and hang up laundry load #3 for the afternoon. FRIDAY afternoon, too. THEN I plan to KNIT.

Take that, Computers.

Here's my last Fall's contribution to beauty at our house. We can even smell the hyacinths in the back yard!

And here's the small window of niceness I created during my precious, beloved, welcome personal day (NONE of which I wasted "on screen," I am glad to say!) in my little front garden:


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