It's also foggy, damp, and still. I think it's tropical moisture from the much-vaunted Hurricane Bill, whose wrath we're supposed to feel (?) on Saturday/Sunday. An interesting sign of the change in air was that the fire alarm system went off TWICE last night, the first time since a week ago Sunday, when our visiting guest dad who thinks about such things was pretty sure it was a malfunctioning unit in my study. Alas, 'tis not, apparently. After explosion #2 I (BH is checking out nursing homes for his dad with his brother these two days) went to the cellar and turned off the fuse. Oy.
Yesterday was a busy busy busy day: curriculum/course planning work from 8:30 - 2:30, tho an accident in Somesville meant most of us sat in our cars for 45 mins to an hour. Once we got to Sue's, the work was good and the food delicious, however! I stopped by school en route home (still thinking, "Hot dog! I'm ahead of the game!") and got my new laptop decorated with all the stuff Anne Computer Whiz had recovered from my old laptop (we teachers are SO LUCKY!), which took a really long time at the end of a day and in the middle of a list of errands. . . . and then I had to shop for Friday dinner with the Big Friend Family, now up to seven with their two new kids and eight with a nephew who's visiting. { I think I made some good calls on that: pulled pork in the slow cooker, coleslaw, and blueberry buckle INSTEAD of pie, with ice cream or whipped cream, and ice cream/chocolate sauce if the kids prefer. Of course, it's now 9;13 am and I haven't stuck it in the cooker yet, nor started The Great Clean. There. The boys and I have just agreed (ahem) to have them start picking up at ten, and then I can start cleaning. It's a running day for Younger and me, so I'll have to fit that in somewhere. . .} THEN I went to the Farmer's Market and picked up the share, and when I got home I had to fit all the stuff into the fridge. . . Believe me, I was ready to collapse into a chair to read the weekly paper with a big glass of water!
Last night we lolled about a bit, then Elder finished his amazingly detailed AP pic of a praying mantis and Younger and I watched two episodes of "Scrubs" (I'm enjoying wasting my nights as soon I won't be able to . . .!) while I worked more on my sleeve. We'll see how it turns out over. Right now I'd say it's better but not ideal. I may need to actually decrease some stitches before the cuff. !!!!
So: soon to my feet, for b'fast and some good hard work. Ta DAAAAAAAA!
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