Monday, June 20, 2011


That's the downside to all those lovely snow days I wrote about. . . TWO Saturday school days and then in school till Wed. WOW.

But I am done correcting and nearly done my little "gotta dos" and big ones like interviewing English candidates and the like. And I feel like I am refinding myself, slowly, slowly.

I am thinking about cooking and baking.

I am thinking about making fancy drinks.

I am thinking about going out to dinner with my beloved husband in Bar Harbor, all dressed up.

I am thinking about spending pretty much a whole day reading for fun.

I am NOT thinking about taking Silas to Portland to drop him off to go to Denmark forever.

I am thinking about knitting more, soon: finishing Andy's second sock (I'm on the foot already!) and then the sleeves for MY nimbus from Julie.

I am thinking about summer vacation, and that's. pretty. good.

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