Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15: The Ides of, Indeed!

Well. Quite a week. Snow day on Thursday, and bitter (-3) temps on Friday. Parent conferences on Friday. In-coming 9th grader night on Thursday postponed to Monday the 17th (oy). . . Andy gone to Mom's for the week to work for her, and Camilla gone to Hawaii and a lovely (it looks like) time there, start to finish. Both will return on Sunday, with Andy coming home via Bangor to meet Cam's bus and bring her home. Last night Nate and I had a lovely time at the Cellar, the new restaurant in Ellsworth, though the service was slow/uneven; we did a nice job of holding down the fort as far as animals, snow maintenance, and general life are concerned.

Today is rainy and warmish; the roads are pretty nasty but I am hoping to fit in a fairly early and longish run so that I can clean up and do some birthday errands down town and then actually make something: perhaps a table runner? I just would like to do something creative and bright. My Lent mantra says it needs to be cheap, so I may see if I can dig up the bits I had cut out long ago. . . but I also think two yards of pretty bright fabric from Marden's isn't a deal breaker. We'll see.

I think that this woman's definition of "easy" and mine might be a ways apart. . . . this is LOVELY! That's a pic. from a Craftsy class (Scrappy Patchwork Table Runner pattern by A Quilted Life Patterns)
Let's see what else is out there. 

(Pause while I google a bit. Yikes. How much time do I want to spend? "And at my back I always hear / Time's winged chariot hurrying near. . .")

Well. Much of what's out there is WAYYYYYY too fussy for me. I guess I will head to the cellar to dig out the simple but stunning table runner Vicky Beal made for us 20 years ago. 

Long pause again. . . and HERE it is! 

I am pretty sure that somewhere in my "craft closet" (aka, "my closet"), I have squares cut out for that. I would like to make it a little narrower, and perhaps a little shorter, but if I came out with a non-Christmasy one exactly like that one, I wouldn't be sorry. So. Here I go for more digging. 

Oh, and I wouldn't be averse to suddenly having a lovely warm but bright skirt fall into my lap, either. Hmmmmmmm. 

Less, Rebecca. Less. 

Okay!  It's 10:15 pm and. . . . 

If I had three more hours, I bet I could finish it tonight! 

Maybe I'll get it done tomorrow. Fun! 

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