Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5: Three Snow Days In a Row: A New Record!

Well, the rain last Saturday turned into high wind and thick, heavy, wet snow all day Sunday and into Monday night. The pic below is midday Sunday--we ended up with about 8", total, but it was truly heart attack snow, accompanied by a super-strong wind. We lost the top of the old oak out front--luckily only onto our hedges, but many people weren't so lucky. While we lost power for only about 5 hours, I've heard some people may be out till this Saturday. Yikes.

To my surprise, we didn't have school on Monday due to power outages. No one in the area did--there were something like 45,000 households without. Tuesday, I got up, went for  my run, and ran into Julie K, who told me that MDIHS *still* didn't have power, so we had no school--so I had a second day, and then today, ditto--tho the power was back on by 10 am, so we will go back to school on Thursday. Yay!

No idea how we'll make up those days: rumors are swirling, but no real facts yet. This has been an interesting stretch, and I have to say I've made the most of it. Each night I thought we'd have school the next day, so I prepped and corrected as needed, which means that I really don't have a lot of work to do now! Nice. During my snow days I
*ate b'fast out with Andrea and Ian on Mon., and with Ian on Tuesday;
*knitted and drank tea with Dawn today while she tried to get her tires changed (to no avail);
*made Joe Froggers and iced them!
*knitted a pattern repeat and a half on Emma's stocking while watching "Death Comes to Pemberley";
*voted (to almost no avail, but some. . . );
*switched out my clothes so the bedroom is neater and I can find what I want;
*organized the spice cupboard (YAY ME!);
*removed all the screens and stored them down cellar;
*composted all the jack-o-lanterns and cleaned off the porch;
*almost finished my pj pants (may finish those up tonight; we'll see);
*wrote a college rec (the last one for this year);
*worked out just like a regular week, which made my days really nice;
*walked Z a lot;
organized a consolidation loan so we can pay off our credit cards all at once and save on interest!

PRETTY DARN GOOD. I'm proud of myself, and I had a great time. I do wish I was in more of a napping place, but ah well. Now: a grueling 2 day work week, and next week is Veterans' Day. I am truly quite refreshed, though certainly bemused. Cheers!

ETA: I finished my pj pants! Yay!

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