Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15: A Nice November Sunday

Have finally finished my school law class (and I got an A!), but haven't really been able to get stuck into a book yet. I'm about 1/4 into Station Eleven by Emily Mantel, but mostly it's been audiobooks. I just downloaded the new Cormoran Strike (it's 17 hours. . . I can't wait. . . ), and I just finished:

Driving with the Top Down: A NovelDriving with the Top Down: A Novel by Beth Harbison
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

. . . . Can't figure out if it wants to be a steamy novel (good Lord! I blushed!) or a fairly well-written troubled-teen story or a trite "I regret my life" bit of fluff. Doesn't succeed overall, though it has its interesting sides. Really just okay.

View all my reviews

Had a nice time with A's college friends; after they left I planted about 60 bulbs, dividing them up in three different gardens and supplementing with compost to, I hope, ensure their continued bloom. I then deadheaded and raked the front garden, getting gloriously dirty and sweaty, so I finished up with a shower and rest.

Soon: a new knitting project! Nice weekend.

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