Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22: Happy Birthday, Sister Ann!

Wow. March Madness arises every year, without fail, and I am slowly learning to just let it wash over me, trusting that April is coming along eventually. Wow, I say. Wow.

This week featured:
Monday night incoming 9th grader night at the high school, so I was there from 7:20 am- 8:30 pm.
Tuesday: a busy day capped by a hair cut (yay!).
Wednesday: continued planning for Camilla's 18th on Thursday; a busy day at school.
Thursday: Parent meeting at 7:30, an absent co-teacher so I taught the foreign policy paper, many questions/meetings/people to deal with; home at 4, off to Bangor for Cam's b'day dinner at 6, home at 9:30
Friday: leave house at 6:45 am, parent meeting at 7:30, no co-teacher again, teaching for. pol. again, day of meetings, spec. ed. conf. at 1:30, meeting with carful of Cam and friend at 3, off to the Island again without actually arriving at home, drive BACK to Bar Harbor to drop C and friends at movie place, then Andy and I did a fun "five hours on MDI" afternoon featuring book browsing, apps/drinks at Pat's, a drive around the lower island, dinner at Mamma DiMatteo's, then picking up Cam and two OTHER friends to come home for the night. HOME at 8:45ish. Have to say I enjoyed the evening especially, but was a tad chippy when at 12:30 their noise woke me up!

So. You know you're busy when someone says, "I'll just fill you in on the details while you eat your lunch." And you are pulling the plastic tub out of the microwave. Standing up. And it's leftovers from the day before. Which you haven't even taken home. And you have ten minutes.

That long whinge (as the Brits say; love that onomatopoetic effect) over, here are 10 things that make me happy, pictures to be added later.

1. lush spring sunshine.

2. strong coffee, made just as I like it.
3. making things that are bright and beautiful and just as *I* say they should be.

4. flowers, especially amaryllis at this stage of the year.

5. our crazy household of animals.
6. birds at the bird feeder.
7. running outside.
8. realizing how gorgeous a place I live in.
9. tucking a small enjoyable event into a busy day.
10. baking delicious things for people who appreciate them.


Theme for the week: 
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to 
work hard at work worth doing."              Teddy Roosevelt

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