Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb. 15: This. Vacation.

It's a week after the storm--and though it was possibly the toughest standard week in the school lexicon (though a few in March can be challenging, too), it went well. I fought a cold, my co-teacher and I saw our students do some good, difficult work, I finalized an accreditation report, and the time went slowly by until 2:13 today, when vacation started! Yay!

Amazingly enough, the weather has a blizzard warning, the second in two weeks, up for Saturday night into Sunday for downeast Maine. Happily for Julie and me, the storm doesn't seem to be a big concern in southern Maine and even so seems to be heading for Sunday, when we'll already be in Portland and potentially snowed in, but snowed in together, with plenty of food within walking distance, and perfectly happy to stay where we will be.

Other vacation plans beyond seeing Julie and spending every morning lounging in my jammies with coffee in hand are not huge. I hope to spend some time with Saki, who will be doing a lot of show choir stuff with Nate; I want to finish Moth's cardi, which needs on the buttonhole band and neck band completed and buttons sewn on to be DONE; I do have some correcting/planning, and I'd love to do some luxurious visiting/reading/eating/etc. Maybe I'll also ponder a quilt or a sewing project of some kind.

Little chores? Getting N's passport pic and the Camry's windshield fixed; getting the diamond replaced in my ring, and, most excitingly, buying a new mattress for our big bed.


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