Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb. 19: Post Storm #2, Wed.

Lovely 8" of fluffy stuff, and a good day yesterday. I did good school work for about 3 hours or so, had a good hard swim, made cookies and biscuits, and finished the to-be-gifted socks for Jane with the #$!!! yarn that kept fraying due to a bad twist (see above!). The four of us also went to see "Dealin' with Idiots" at the Grand "film fest," which was bad but interesting--at least I think that's our verdict. Maybe just bad.

Today: sunshine on the snow. Discovered and read an O Magazine about decluttering that also featured some books I'd like to read: Alice Hoffman's The Museum of Extraordinary Things, Kathleen Hale's No One Else Can Have You (teen fiction that is NOT about vampires!), Bread & Butter by Michelle Wildgen, and, possibly, Lorrie Moore's Bark, partly because her first collection reminds me so intensely of grad school at Brown with Julie!

Also: a run or a yin yoga session online; food shopping; six more media critiques (or maybe ten, just to get this party started); starting a new sock; some reading; maybe clearing out a sweater drawer; picking up in advance of Aunt Joan's visit, since she does love me but she is a clutter noticer! And I think I'll ponder a dinner party for March sometime, since it is such a nasty month, and I do like to reach out, connect, and feed people. Hmmmmm. Onwards.

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