Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17: Home Again

So. Back after a nice time in Portland with Julie, but I think either cabin fever or PMS is settling in and I feel a bit grumpy. . . . ah well.

Solutions? A walk in the cold sun with Zeus, a game of cribbage with Andrew, soon some "Modern Family" and work on the remaining to-be-gifted sock, and possibly some reading. Also, a list!

Things to do this vacation:
send off the Norwegian "Christmas" package
send off our Happy New Year's cards/letters 
correct common ass'ts from my ninth graders (six done last Thursday, I'm proud to admit)
correct AP essays on Night and Dawn
see some real movies?
do some real cooking?
book our tix and hotel for our trip to Florence over April break (Easter week!)
do some fun stuff
tackle/decide on what to do with Nate's lingering Old Friend Pullover

More to come!

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