Saturday, January 16, 2016

January 16: A Slow and Snowy Saturday

What a lovely day: I've had a snuffly cold since Tuesday, and since it's a three day weekend and we were due to get messy weather today, I decided to treat myself to a sick day. I'm not really sick, but, my! this slow, snowy, mellow day hit the spot! I can't remember when I've been able to force myself to be this relaxed. I putzed on line, knitted on my latest sock, chatted with Lyle, Lori, and Nate on facebook and Mom in person, cleaned the kitchen, wrote my New Year's letter to mail with our New Year's card, addressed all 23 envelopes, got 11 of the cards ready to mail, watched the Pats win their playoff game, binged on four episodes of "Fixer Upper," made hotels rezzies for Julie's and my trip to Portsmouth in February, did a 30 minute yoga work out on line, and read my book! My only trip outside was to the mailbox, and though I did exercise, I felt thoroughly, wonderfully at my own disposal for the whole day. AND my cold is much better, thank you!

All told, we got about 8" of snow--it started as rain, then changed to sleet, and then, suddenly, it was tumbling down snow quite heavily. How nice not to have to go anywhere!

The House of Silk (Sherlock Holmes #1)The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Saw this reviewed and thought it sounded good; I enjoyed it, finding it very much like an actual Sherlock Holmes novel--including the oddly wooden feeling of the narration. I didn't really care about any of the characters, I didn't feel nostalgic or concerned--and that removed effect is what I remember from the Conan Doyle novels, too. So: all in all, if you like the original Holmes stories, you'll probably like The House of Silk; if not, probably not.

Tied Up in TinselTied Up in Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

About ten years ago I made a New Year's resolution to read all the Ngaio Marsh books, and I did, and highly enjoyed the process. I re-enjoy each one I listen to or reread. This one was a little festive, so it was great for an early December entertainment. Brava! Marsh is truly a master, and the reader (not Nadia May, but another great reader) was terrific.

*Re-"read" January 2016. Still highly enjoyable!

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