Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2: Here We Go!

Coronation Summer by Angela Thirkell
's review
3 of 5 stars false
Read in March, 2013

Well, Nadia May and Angela T. are a great combo, so I had high expectations for this unusual piece of Thirkell's work. CS is not about Barsetshire per se (I haven't had a chance to dig back and see what links exist), but the usual chatty voice and "much ado about nothing" approach are present. The social information is fascinating, but there are big plot gaps: the Ingoldsby Legends idea, with a long poem in Irish (?) dialect supposedly written by the Ingoldsby's groom. . . . What was that all about? Some of the more entertaining pieces are the sisterly exchanges and infighting between Fanny and Emily, and Thirkell's gleeful presentation of a biased narrator. All in all, not what I expected, but a pleasant outing.
Well, to no great surprise, some weird compatibility issue has arisen between the various faces of Google and Goodreads and, therefore, my reviews end up in html. . . . unless I cut and paste as I have done for the last few. Oh well.

So Mar. 1 was Friday, and it was a nice little breather, with my students working hard on various assignments that didn't need me at center stage, so I had time to wander and enjoy them a bit. It snowed pretty much all day, and we were all pretty tired after the first week back, so there was that cozy sort of haven feeling that schools have on their best days (or one variety of their best days). Our evening featured a Downton Abbey, my starting a new sock pattern for Andy's green Christmas sock yarn, a walk in the snow with the whole family and Zeus, and then, this morning, a long phone conversation with Julie!

The knitting excitement is as follows: I am going to swatch for this sweater with my lovely sorbet Quince yarn in osprey weight, with a possible eye to simply adopting that pattern (thank you Lion Brand patterns!) and modifying it to make my lovely JCrew knockoff.

We shall see. If I *do* decide to go with this pattern in Quince osprey, my next crisis will be deciding on the color. My fantasy has been to make it in a lovely bright red/crimson/scarlet/ fuschia, but the reality is that the reason that my beloved brown sweater has endured so well is that it hides tea and coffee stains! So. . . I am not going with classic cream, but I also not going with a dark gray. We'll see what else unfolds.

And, my socks for Andy. At the moment, these are supposed to be "palate cleansers" after the Moth cardi, and therefore plain ol' Yankee Workshop straight up socks, perfect meeting knitting. But then I had the Interweave Knits favorite sock patterns book stuck in my bag to check numbers of stitches for my cast on, and before I went to bed I started looking through it just for fun, and before I knew it, I was thinking how cool the (somewhat boring) yarn AWS had picked out would look in a broken rib pattern, and then. . . . I spent Downton Abbey's Season 2, epi 4 working out this pattern:

Evelyn Clark's Retro Rib socks. In a sort of murky green overdye. We'll see. 

Good news is that I don't have a ton of correcting (tho I do have plenty!) and Lori and Norm are coming for dinner and I have the menu planned already and it's pretty easy. . . . so seeing as the snow is picking up again, I think I have a nice Saturday planned, with exercise, knitting, a few easy errands, baking and cooking, and time with friends all planned out! 


And, I just finished listening to this book  as an audio: 

The Great Cake Mystery by Alexander McCall Smith
Fun to hear Mma Ramotswe presented for a young audience and as a youngster! Nothing spectacularly unexpected in this outing, but we do get to see Obed, hear a lion story, and have the voices of Botswana come to life in skilled narration. Adjoa Andoh did a great job with the various voices!

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